40 years Together
40 Years of Impact: 1981-2021
In 2021, the Love Fund celebrated our 40th year of service and provided help to over 9,000 children! Since the Love Fund’s inception in 1981, we have fulfilled the unmet needs of over 200,000 children. To celebrate, 40 Birthday Ambassadors shared our mission and fundraised for our programs throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who has supported us through the years and helped us celebrate turning the Big 4-0!
Large Increase in Life Essentials Items
Last year Kansas City families were still deeply affected by the pandemic. Through our Life Essentials Program, the Love Fund served 43% more children in 2021 than in 2020 - that’s more than 150 children! We partnered with case managers to fulfill children’s unmet needs: 135 children were approved for new twin beds; 40 children received hygiene items; 42 babies/toddlers received baby items; 32 children had their unique medical needs met; and 348 children received new clothing. Due to your support we were able to provide priceless gifts: safety for children in new car seats, comfort for children wrapped in new bedding, and dignity for those wearing new clothing. We served families who had to leave everything behind to flee domestic violence and many who were forced to prioritize utility bills over new clothing for their children. We hear countless stories every week of the children in Kansas City who need assistance, and we are excited to continue to fill the gaps in 2022.
Exciting Return to In-Person Events
We were able to host our fundraising and client-facing events in person! Golfers enjoyed our Annual Golf Classic and shoppers supported us in person and online for It’s in the Bag. But we were most excited to assist with the distribution of over 7,000 school supplies to Kansas City students as they returned to in person school. We also loved seeing the smiling faces of the 27 children at our Thanksgiving event who got to share their holiday wishes with Santa and leave with a new coat, gloves, hat and non-perishable food for their family. In December, we were elated to once again partner with the Chiefs Ambassadors for Shop with the Love Fund. At this event, 30 joyful children selected their holiday gifts with the assistance of our volunteers. We also served a record number of teens through Sack it for Santa - 1,640 sacks were distributed! This year we added a salty snack and a reusable water bottle to each teen’s bag in addition to their fun gift, winter warmth gear, hygiene kit, and chocolate.
Our new leader Amanda Jackson, with Love Fund recipient Haylee & her mom!
Our New Leader
In June, Amanda Jackson joined the Love Fund as our new Executive Director. In her first seven months with the Love Fund, Amanda has applied her 13 years of experience in the nonprofit sector to improve our administrative and financial processes. Her boundless energy and events experience have already invigorated our in-person fundraising events. Her impact in 2022 is limitless!
Feedback from Case Managers
Hearing positive feedback from the Case Managers we work with every day is the best motivation for the new year. See a few of their thoughts below:
“Thank you so much for doing this each year for the kids! This blesses us, the families, and the kids!”
“I am thankful for the resource. It pleased me to see the happy faces and the gratitude the families expressed.”
“Thank You, Thank You! A great deal of preteens and teens were blessed by the generosity of the Sack it for Santa donors.”
We are excited to partner with professional youth advocates in 2022 to identify and meet the needs of Kansas City children.
We are tremendously grateful to our Love Fund donors and volunteers. We love working with you and appreciate your commitment to caring for the children of Kansas City.