Meet Nathaniel
Nathaniel is a 6-year-old with an enormous personality! He smiles and laughs often and enjoys being active. He enjoys swimming, swinging, going for walks, bouncing on a trampoline, going to Royals games, and spending time with his friends and family. He loves Chick-Fil-A mac ‘n cheese and all desserts! Nathaniel is a great big brother to his younger sister and is excited to meet his new little brother who arrives this summer.
Nathaniel has a diagnosis of CDKL-5 Deficiency Disorder, a rare neurodevelopmental condition characterized by early on-set epilepsy, low muscle tone and developmental challenges. He is non-ambulatory and has limited purposeful body movements. As Nathaniel has grown and his seizure activity has increased, his caregivers are no longer able to carry him to their basement for safety during storms and to access the sensory room created for him.
Nathaniel’s family approached the Love Fund for partial support of a motorized mobile chair stair lift. The stair lift is a portable, battery powered wheelchair with caterpillar tracks that allows it to move up and down stairs without physical strain on the caregiver. Since the stair lift is portable Nathaniel now has the ability to access places in the community in the homes of family and friends previously unavailable to him.
“Thank you, Love Fund supporters, for providing this lifelong gift for Nathaniel and his family!”