2024 Year In Review | The Love Fund

Making a Difference for Kansas City Kids

In 2024, the Love Fund served 9,430 children through our programs and events. We set two new records: serving the unique, unmet needs of 717 children through our Life Essentials program and 2,176 teens through our Sack it for Santa holiday gift program.  

Other 2024 accomplishments to celebrate:

  • Provided 6,400 children with school supplies.

  • Hosted an entirely new summer event.

  • Increased the number of children served by 7.5%.

  • Partnered with 52 agencies and 156 youth advocates to fulfill the needs of Kansas City children.

We encourage you to view our 2024 Impact Report to learn more about this exciting year.

Serving Kids In-Purpose: Our New Event

The Love Fund hosted a new child-facing program in 2024. At our first Summer Enrichment Event, 50 children from Lee A. Tolbert Community Academy were rewarded for their excellent attendance with a field trip to Union Station including visits to Science City and the Planetarium. They enjoyed exploring the hands-on exhibits in small groups and learning about the world of science first-hand. They also loved sharing a pizza lunch with fun adult volunteers before heading to the Planetarium to visit the stars. After the event, all children received new uniforms to start the school year! A special thank you to our friends at SelectQuote for making this new program possible. 

In addition to this new event we hosted 52 children at Warford Elementary School in Kansas City, Missouri, for a fun Thanksgiving celebration with dinner, food to take home, a visit from Santa, new coats, and custom gifts. We continued our long-standing Shop With the Love Fund event during which 35 children enjoyed shopping with superheroes to select clothing and toys. We appreciate the more than 110 volunteers that made these events and other Love Fund activities possible in 2024. 

“Children who have received items from the Life Essentials program can attend school regularly and feel comfortable. They face less bullying and social isolation when they are provided with proper clothing and hygiene items. This helps create a stronger self of belonging and improves their overall social development.” ~ Liz Diaz, Family School Liaison, Independence School District 

Continuing to honor the Love Fund’s mission, our year-long efforts focused on fulfilling the unmet needs of Kansas City children. In response to applications from professional youth advocates, we increased our impact across all categories: 

  • 452 children received new clothing

  • 199 children received a new twin bed

  • 126 infants and toddlers received essential baby items

  • 56 children had their medical needs met

Through your generosity, we’ve provided mobility and safety for special needs children, restful sleep for children without a bed, and confidence for children now wearing clothing that fits!

Looking Ahead at 2025

As we reflect on the last year, we are filled with gratitude for your unwavering support. We are grateful for the financial and volunteer commitment of our Love Fund supporters who made 2024 a great year for the Love Fund.  We hope you will join us at our upcoming fundraising events: 

With your involvement, we can make an even bigger impact in 2025!

Love Fund for Children