Meet the Murphy's
A few years ago, three children were removed from their parents' home because of drug use and abuse and placed with their loving grandmother, a widow living on a minimal fixed income. The children were diagnosed with several medical conditions and mental health concerns such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, and depression. Although grandma's heart was huge, she did not have the resources to provide the children with everything they needed. Grandma spends every available dollar providing care for the children and uses her local resources to supplement her income to provide what is needed.
When the school year started for 20-21, the children had grown substantially and required new clothing. A local clothing closet provided some clothing, but this couldn't meet all their needs. With funding exhausted and no other resources available, the family turned to the FOX4 Love Fund's Life Essentials program.
When the children found out that they could go online to pick out the clothing they wanted, they were ecstatic. Each child saw who could get the most items for the money allotted and even discussed if socks should count as a pair or two things. Seeing the children excited over having new clothing that was theirs (not used or passed down) and that would fit was enough to bring Grandma to tears. She couldn't give them on her budget, and she commented that it was a true gift.
The children were very responsible in their choices, bargain shopping for what they needed and giggling about their "unmentionables." When the lists were complete, they couldn't believe how much they were getting, and Grandma praised them for being so careful with the money gifted to them.
Shortly after, their clothing arrived, and the children were excited to go through the items and instantly wanted to try them on. They talked about being unable to wait to wear their new clothes to school and mentioned several times that they would try everything on at home as soon as they could. Both children wore huge smiles! Grandma, a little camera shy, had a huge smile and mentioned several times that she was so appreciative of organizations that helped families in need. She didn't know how else she would have gotten the clothing they needed if not for the Love Fund.
A few days later, Grandma and the children were headed to school but stopped by the office of their youth advocate to model their new clothing. They were happy that everything fit and they liked having "new" things. The young boy repeatedly commented about how much he enjoyed his athletic socks, kicking his feet up in the air to show them off. I've never heard someone talk that much about socks!
Sometimes we forget how much a gift can mean to a family and children who have faced adversity. They put their all into healing and ran up against roadblock after roadblock. In this case, many agencies came together to assist a family with many needs. The Grandview Assistance Program is proud to be one of those and happy to have a partner like the FOX4 Love Fund. Poverty, trauma, and circumstances beyond their control may be part of this family's history. Still, they now know that they have community support that will forever affect change in their lives.
“We are honored to partner with you and grateful for the changes you affect in this community!”